Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nintendo Wii

Alex has a few qualms with the Wii, primarily that he never plays it. This is, more or less, a similar situation for most of the people I know that have a Wii. The number of "good" games for Wii has stayed in the single digits with Wii Sports, a free included mini-game cd, leading the pack for more than a few Wii owners. Wii Sports, after all, manages to make what some argue is the best use of Wii's motion sensitive controllers. Still, other games definately come to mind. I managed to take a gander at a few of IGN's videos for Super Paper Mario, and I'm going to try and rent/buy the game ASAP. Still, my budget is tight and buying games is at the bottom of my list considering I have a computer to repair and an HDTV to buy. Still, with Wii being the first console I've owned since XBox, I think its only fair for me to get some use out of it. That means I'll probably end up buying Super Paper Mario, and Super Smash Brothers when they finally come out. According to an interview with President of NOA Reggie Mils, SSB3 is not the only big title on the list of promised 2007 releases. Mils has promised a new Mario title, a new Zelda title, and of course Metroid Prime 3 for the shooter in all of us. Granted, Metroid Prime 3 is the only one with a date (and a date thats hard to take seriously), but this is all very good news for Wii owners...especially Alex.

Playing through Twilight Princess I've been itching for a Wii game that delivers on some old promises. Nintendo has insisted that the Wii isn't just a dolled up Gamecube with a fancy new controller. No matter how sexy the control scheme is, ultimately even the most silly nintendo game could use some high-res textures and pretty lighting. Twilight princess has some nice last of the last-gen features, and great implementation of the Wii controller, but I'd love to see some limits pushed. Maybe that way next time I show my 360 touting friends they can at least get over that lame-ass "but the graphics suck" argument. The new Zelda game seems a perfect opportunity to get on with the eye candy already!

As for SSB, I'm personally quite pumped but I loved the previous incarnations and I doubt Nintendo going to be tampering with that formula. Rumors are even circulating that the new one might use the old Gamecube controllers! Hmmm, thats really a crazy idea for Nintendo to be playing with. I know a lot of press will be negative, almost like Nintendo doesn't believe in what they've been saying about the "future" of gaming. Still, I would stick by any decision that ultimately improves game play, even it means re-issuing gamecube controllers with bluetooth and dipped in white powder-paint....come to think of it....that'd actually be really tight. XBOX1 admitted defeat, after all, releasing the so-called "Japanese controllers" and if Nintendo does the same...for the good of the gaming community, then I think we owe it to them to go out and grab 4 ASAP.

Well that all for now...just a closing comment...I'm in Denison, Texas right now and they have more DS (every color) and Wii Controllers than they know what to do with. Anyone else sitting on the proverbial goldmine of rare Electronics? I feel like i should be buying these and selling them on Ebay. Guess I must still be in Holiday shopping mode. Later

1 comment:

Alex Curtis said...

haha this post was amazing