Friday, March 23, 2007

Bloom AA, or HDR

Just a curious question..

who prefers HDR over Anti-Aliasing?

Reasons for HDR - amazing light effects that are just beautiful if done well.

Reasons for AA - Crisp smoothed edges and sharper detail.

what are your setting? and why one over the other??

*sigh* i know i'll only get like 1 response... prolly from ian... but hopefully mr. corpsebag here will also comment....


Measels said...

I prefer running higher resolutions, and HDR. Fuck anti-aliasing.

Corpsebag said...

??? What the fuck are you talking about??? Tell Ian I loved his column about Carlos Mencia

Measels said...

i mean at higher resolutions AA isn't really all that important. Sexy lighting effects are way nicer

Measels said...

plus with aa i think everything looks hazy, i dont know how to explain it.