Monday, March 12, 2007

Dia De Los Muertos... Black Sunday... The Day My 360 gave up on me...

There is definitely a curse upon my head... My consoles don't love me... First my DS bights the dust on the WIFI stuff and i had to get it replaced.. before that my ps2 died on me... and now my sweetest child of all... my 360... i'm going to the coroner tomorrow to see what the process is to get her buried and get a new one in my hands.. i just hope to god that i don't lose all my saves...

Dear God....

Please watch over my baby as she ascends into your land of electronic heaven.

Oh Sadness... Such sad sadness

1 comment:

bigcountry317 said...

I take it that ^ is matt?

pooooor 360! poor pinatas! what will they dooooooooooooo?!