Monday, February 12, 2007

God of War 2... why aren't you in my hands...

Okay, so for those of you who don't have a playstation2 and have been horribly deprived of the amazingness of Sony's video game God Of War, it's time for you to go out and purchase (or "borrow") a ps2 for the sequel to one of the most amazing games to caress the lens of a console disc tray ever. This games predecessor received a 9.8 by and now the sequel has received a 9.7 prior to its launch. Not only do you singlehandedly get to take on the Gods them self but you do it in a brutal genuine 3rd person action game style. You assume the character Kratos one of the most bad ass characters in video game history. His swords are bound to his wrists at the cost of his devotion to the God of War Ares and he uses them to lash out against various Greek Mythology creatures from Hydras to Minotaurs. The game combines a very clever mini-game feature in which you complete a series of displayed buttons to act out really kick ass combos against bosses and enemies. On top of the really addicting and fun game play you get to sit back and enjoy some of the most beautiful cut sequences that are all gorgeous I would go as far to say that they are at the same level as Final Fantasy graphics. The environments in game are also expansive and detailed, and for a game that has so few load sequences you get the best graphics for in game that playstation2 has ever had. My girlfriend and I personally rank the first game easily in our top 3 games if not #1 game. If you have any interest in console gaming and you haven't touched this title, do your hands a favor and take control of the best fucking game on ps2. (sorry shadow of colossus but you don't rip monsters in half with your bare hands or stretch Minotaurs mouths open wide enough to jam your sword down their throats.) So in a great conclusion get ready for the best game on March 13th! And if I were still working at gamestop I'd hope you would've reserved it from me! haha.

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