Friday, February 16, 2007

Lemur Lemur

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last 5 years, there has been a very interesting phenomenon in music creation, particularly computer-based music, where not only are musicians artists in the sense that they are composing piece's of music, but now there is a new breed of custom home-brew software programming musicians who are using tools like Cycling 74's Max/MSP/Jitter to create virtually anything the imagination can think of. Being that I have been getting heavily involved in writing my own custom performance software in Max/MSP/Jitter, I am always looking for new ways to control the software I am creating...For example, I have been messing around with manipulating audio using Wii controllers.
I came across an amazing control-surface device a while back that I now need to get my hands on. It is called the Lemur and is sold by a company called JazzMutant. The Lemur is amazing in that it is a completely blank palette. And what it offers over the conventional control surfaces on the market is that its controls and interfaces are completely programmable from scratch to fit YOUR needs and it is multi-touch sensitive...What does this mean to you? You can literally play the thing with ALL the hands and feet you can get on the screen, and control custom interfaces that work seamlessly with YOUR performance and style.

How about that for cool.

Here's a video of a Lemur being used as a "step-sequencer" controlling NI Absynth and a variety of light and visual effects...

1 comment:

Measels said...

I wish they'd show a better demo of the lemur itself, still I could see that thing being cool for sooo many applications outside of just video and for example. A fully programmable touch sensitive pad would be perfect for MMORPGs ohhh sickkk nasty.