Wednesday, February 14, 2007


So, where the hell is the "L" in google's valentines day special title??? I saw it and at first I said to myself, "Oh that's clever." but then I noticed the fact that it says "Googe" haha... I wonder if they are aware of this... Anywho, a big Valentines day special to my girlfriend and a happy birthday to Ian Briggs Robertson!! Wooo!

Love and joy my brothers, love and joy...?

Happy Valentines From Alex and The Boons!


Measels said...

ewww gooooj

Anonymous said...

also known as the gouche

Anonymous said...

i think the stem and the little chocolate spill to the right is suppose to create a 'G' 'L' fusion letter.
Or maybe its suppose to b "googe". u know like a googeley luv word that melts in your mouth. tootsy tots. Google googe.